Monday, August 6, 2012


I don't think this post really needs much of an introduction...

Let's just say my baseball obsessed husband was grinning from ear to ear the entire weekend... 

We arrived in Boston and explored the city a bit (which included some shopping for me) before heading towards the park...

First thing we noticed was that Boston basically just closes the streets surrounding Fenway and it turns into one big party on game days!

We were smart and decided to get to Fenway about two hours before the game and were pleasantly surprised to find out that there really was not that much security here, and you could basically walk right down to the field level and sit ON THE FIELD!

The views were incredible!
We were RIGHT on the field!

We even got excited when we dropped our water bottle and had to wipe off the dirt!
THAT was how close we were!

Jason was so sweet, I have not seen him so awed in a long time...
He kept saying how this was his favorite ball park, and the best he has ever seen.

Slowly but surely the partiers outside made their way in, 
and we were pushed further and further back towards our "original" seats...

All the way back here!

The heat and humidity were oppressive!  
When I say it felt like we were in a sauna, I am literally
Combine that with seats that I don't think I could fit into if I was 20 lbs heavier, 
and packed with thousands of Red Sox fans!

I was buying $5 frozen lemonades to use as ice packs...

It really was a fun experience.  I promise!

The Sox were ahead against the Twins until the 9th inning when they let them score 3 runs to win!
Sorry Red Sox!

It was definitely a weekend that we will never forget, and Jason can check another ballpark off his list!

Current Location:
Stamford, CT

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